Questions from Canada

[size=12][font=‚Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif‘]Hi, my name is Ludovick Martin. I write a blog about football for the Fédération de Soccer du Québec, which is the governing body for the sport in my province. Every month I write a piece about a lesser known club to show my readers that the game is not just about Arsenal, Barcelona or Manchester United.[/font][/size]
[size=12][font=‚Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif‘]
[size=12][font=‚Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif‘]This month I tought it would be interesting to talk about 1860 Munchen. In order to complete my text I have three questions that I would like some of you to answer (in English or French, as my German stops at ein, zwei, drei…).[/font][/size]
[size=12][font=‚Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif‘]
[size=12][font=‚Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif‘]-What is the general sentiment towards Hasan Abdullah Ismaik, 3 years after he got involved with the club?[/font][/size]
[size=12][font=‚Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif‘]
[size=12][font=‚Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif‘]-What is the general sentiment towards Bayern Munchen, a club that is your rival, but that also helped your club to stay alive?[/font][/size]
[size=12][font=‚Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif‘]
[size=12][font=‚Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif‘]-Is a move into a smaller stadium for your club still a possibility?[/font][/size]
[size=12][font=‚Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif‘]
[size=12][font=‚Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif‘]Thank you very much for your cooperation.[/font][/size]

Time to say good bye (but no personal aversion).

I am not sure they helped us to „stay alive“. I would say they helped us in a way we could continue to play in their stadium (and pay a rent). Apart from that I don’t care much about Bayern Munchen. City derbies of course are quite cool (our second teams still play in the same league).

Sure, but unfortunately there are strong forces against moving out of the spare tire next to the urban dumping ground. It could be that we are going to build a new stadium in the outback of Munich. At least this is what the rumor mill currently buzzes about.

1860 is not »lesser known«, at least nobody will admit …

In relation to clubs like Manchester United, 1860 is lesser known. This Blog is a nice idea, but the questions are a bit to unilaterally in my opinion. Just relationship to the disliked club from the side street, investor and dinghy (Allianz Arena) and less 1860 itself.
nevertheless, i will answer the questions:

  1. I don’t like Investors in soccer, so it’s hard for me to accept Hasan Ismaik. But i’m also uncertain if a reboot would have been the better way. Maybe yes, maybe not…
    The relationship between 1860 and Ismaik is complicated, so nothing really chanced. 1860 still made debt and talks from a fast rise into the first league…the same procedure than last year? the same procedure than every year!

  2. I confirm the opinion of HH Lion. It’s a bit undiplomatic to say „stay alive“ in these kontext. To obtain the situation means the same and is a kinder way to say it :)

  3. To move in a smaller stadium should be our target, as long as we play in the allianz arena. But it’s not very possible at the moment - nevertheless we’re dreaming from a homecoming into the greenwood stadium, our homeground. Or a new (smaller!) stadium in Munich-Riem, or a bit of a return into the olympic stadium. The Allianz Arena is to big, to expensive and to ugly for 1860 ;)

Sorry about the lesser well known thing, but in the context of football in Canada, if you’re not in the Champions league or atop the english Premier League, you barely exist. It’s really frustrating if, like me, you like the sport, whatever the country or the level.

For lorenzlöwe, my questions are certainly pointing towards a certain direction mostly because that’s something that is interesting for my readers. i also plan to talk about how 1860 Munchen joined the Bundesliga and was successful in the 1960’s.

But I’d like to have your opinion about the current season the club is having. Is it satisfying? What’s missing to make your club a contender for promotion next season? Are the people in place the right ones to make this happen?

Inzwischen ist der Artikel im Weblog nachzulesen - auf Französisch.

Thank you Kurosawa for making the TSV even better known ;o)

Die perfekte Vorbereitung für einen Übersetzungskurs vom Französischen ins Deutsche^^

Kompetent, mit viel Sympathie, aber auch realistischer Einschätzung geschrieben. Den Aussagen und Wünschen des Schlussabsatzes kann man sich als Löwenfan nur anschließen (wobei der Zuschauerschnitt diese Saison kaum mehr erreicht werden dürfte):

„Comme par le passé, les Lions sont abonnés au milieu de tableau de la seconde division. Pourtant le club continu d’avoir un bon noyau de fans présent à chaque match malgré une atmosphère plutôt nocive autour du club. Depuis quelques saisons les moyennes de spectateurs se sont stabilisées autour de 22 à 23,000 personnes par match. Ce sont de bons chiffres, surtout si on considère qu’on leur a pratiquement enlevé leur club. J’espère sincèrement qu’on pourra leur redonner,puis pourquoi pas aussi leur donner un stade à leur mesure en passant. C’est une chose qui aiderait beaucoup ce club qui mérite mieux.“

Ich darf das mal grob übersetzen:

[color=#0000ff]In den letzten Jahren haben sich die Zuschauerzahlen auf 22-23000 eingependelt. Gute Werte, vor allem, wenn man bedenkt, dass man ihnen [den Fans] ihren Club praktisch weggenommen hat [gemeint ist: durch den Verkauf]. Ich hoffe wirklich, dass sie ihren Club wiederbekommen, und dazu auch ein passendes Stadion. Das wäre sehr hilfreich für den Club, der besseres verdient hat.[/color]

Kurosawa, you got the essence right, thank you again.

Ein wohltuender Schlusssatz. Aber ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, ob wir tatsächlich Besseres verdienet haben. Dafür sind viel zu viele Probleme hausgemacht und wurden über ein Jahrzehnt lang von der Dachorganisation aller Fanclubs in beeindruckender Nibelungentreue selbstzerstörerisch mitgetragen.

Merci beaucoup!

Can you organize a friendly match with 1860 in Canada now, please?