
Wuascht! Dann dringma hoid an Tispouro!

Ergo freuen wir und Alle (ausnahmslos!!!) auf die Rückrunde!

Auf geht’s Buam! Löwenmut! (Mit Masochismus als tragendem Fundament)

1 „Gefällt mir“

Hehehe… das Pfeifen im Walde. Und die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt.

Wurscht. Ich bin ab sofort im Team @Konietzka.
Wo ist der überhaupz?

3 „Gefällt mir“

#me too (hoffentlich kein Shitstorm…), @Konietzka : wo bist du?

Oder vielleicht wars doch der Zweitaccount vom @Wuppertaler ;-) (Gegenstück zu deinem Pessimismus zuletzt)

(So langsam seh ich da einen Tusnami an Getränken auf uns zukommen.)

2 „Gefällt mir“

…mit oder ohne Anis?

Lieber ohne Anus.

Na sieghst as, das ist das Löwenforum!

Mistgabeln und Fackeln wurden wieder verräumt, nachdem der erste Eindruck von GF Sport & Trainer gut waren.
Manchmal reicht ein einfaches, normales Auftreten, ohne Mord- und Verklageandrohungen.
Sehr schön!

I muass mi glatt zammreissen, dass i ned vom Aufstieg schreib:

6 „Gefällt mir“

Immer her mit den Tips. Hab gestern Urlaub in Griechenland gebucht.
Am 02.06. ham mir hoffentlich schon unsere Aufstiegsrelegation gewonnen, oder?

Ich habe mal ein halbes Jahr auf Kreta gelebt, da heißt das Raki (im Gegensatz zum gleichnamigen türkischen Schnaps ist er zum Glück ohne Anis). Der Hund, den ich dann mitgebracht habe, hörte mehr oder weniger auf diesen wunderbaren Namen :innocent:

Aha: du magst den Lakritzpfuideife auch nicht.

Kein Kater?
:tumbler_glass: :woozy_face:


Ich a halbes Jahr mit Greta. Des is aber a andere Gschicht. Nur soviel, die hat so ziemlich alles getrunken was hochprozentig war, u.a. auch Raki …

2 „Gefällt mir“

Also warst du auch auf Greta.

4 „Gefällt mir“

Sozusagen ja :blush: auch

1 „Gefällt mir“

Hi everyone. I am an AEK Athen fan who lived in Germany for few years,so when I saw that 1860 gave him a contract,I wanted to see how he was received and somehow ended up joining your forum, just to share my opinion on him.

Unfortunately,I have no idea about your current team,so you obviously shouldn’t take what I write too seriously. Giannikis started in Greece with a historic club,PAS Giannena, who at the time were at the second division. He managed to take them to the first division and in his first year in the first division his team played some exceptional football for a team of their stature. The team was playing build up football and managed to make a lot of chances each game, with good possesion and overlap from the full backs. His style of play was very atypical for a small Greek team and resembled the football usually played by the 5-6 teams of Greece, which usually dominate the Greek league and should be known also to you(AEK,Panathinaikos,Olympiacos,PAOK,Aris). Some notable results were a win against AEK in Athens, his two wins against Panathinaikos at the Cup Quarterfinals and also again in the League. I did some research regarding the transfers he did and his record at Giannena was good. Examples include Saliakas (currently at Saint Pauli and National Team), Kargas who went to PAOK, Peersman ( who is now at Groningen) and Erramuspe,who is now the captain and best player of the team. All free transfers.

After having made a name for himself,he decides to not renew his contract with Giannena to the dismay of Giannena fans (eg there was a banner hanged on a flat nearby the stadium which said Gianniki stay,or I will jump). He knew that a bigger team would soon ask him to join,and unfortunately he was right,as my team AEK got him. It is uncommon for a big Greek team to hire a Greek manager, as they cannot handle the pressure (imaging Bundesliga and multioly it by five). He started well,with the team playing fast,offensive football. He was very outspoken and handled the media well and his contract was renewed a few weeks after him joining us.
And then it all went donwhill. He lost a derby in the last minute (despite being 1-0 up until the 89th minute) against PAOK. He lost another derby against a young Panathinaikos were the other team dominated(3-0). In all my years following football I have never seen a manager being so helpless in the end. At the end of one of the matches he stayed alone on the bench for 10 minutes after the game was lost. He had totally lost the players,the fans and the owners (a Greek oil tycoon who is very beloved by fans,but not exactly a calm person). His sacking came as a relief for everyone at the club who finished 5th at the end,in what was our worst campaign in a decade.
Thankfully,it worked out well for us,as another manager,Almeyda joined,with us winning the league last year. But I guess you couldn’t care less.

So,all in all, I believe he has what it takes to make good things for the Lions. He had a good eye on players,is used to working with a limited budget,has overachieved in the past,he knows the German culture and none of the big Greek teams will want him even if he takes you back to the Bundesliga. In any case all the best to you and hopefully you will be back to where you belong.

PS:Other former AEK players who played in 1860 were Makos( he came as a hot prospect but failed), Ismael Blanco (who is one of the best forwards of the last 30 yeara for us) and Charis Pappas ( who failed at AEK)
Ps2: Sorry for writing in English,but my German is not the best anymore.

26 „Gefällt mir“

Das klingt ja recht verheißungsvoll.
Also haben wir doch keinen so schlechten Fang gemacht.

2 „Gefällt mir“

…wenns ned da Tiroler war :wink: :+1:

4 „Gefällt mir“

Ein griechischer Tiroler?
Gibt es so etwas?

Thanks for your opinion. And welcome in!
Best greetings to greece

11 „Gefällt mir“